Uses of Class

Packages that use Domain

Uses of Domain in jgroup.relacs.config

Fields in jgroup.relacs.config with type parameters of type Domain
static java.util.Comparator<Domain> DomainSet.domainComparator
          Comparator to be provided to domain sets in order to order domains correctly, ignoring the number of replicas in each domain.

Methods in jgroup.relacs.config that return Domain
 Domain DomainSet.first()
          Returns the first Domain in the domain set; the domain returned is the one with the lowest replica count.
 Domain Host.getDomain()
          Returns the Domain object associated with this Host object.
 Domain DomainSet.getDomain(Domain theDomain)
          Returns the Domain object stored in this domain set corresponding to the provided domain.
 Domain DomainSet.getDomain( mcastAdr)
          Returns the Domain object stored in this domain set corresponding to the provided multicast InetAddress.
 Domain DomainSet.getHostDomain( hostAdr)
          Returns the Domain object stored in this domain set corresponding to the provided host InetAddress.
 Domain DomainSet.getLargestDomain()
          Returns the domain that contains the largest number of hosts.
static Domain DomainSet.getLargestReplicaDomain(MemberId[] members)
          Given a set of members, return the Domain that contains the most members.
 Domain ClientsConfig.getLocalDomain()
          Returns the domain endpoint that is considered local to this domain.
static Domain DistributedSystemConfig.getLocalDomain()
          Returns the domain endpoint that is considered local to this domain.
 Domain[] DomainSet.toArray()
          Returns an array of domain objects, in sorted order.

Methods in jgroup.relacs.config that return types with arguments of type Domain
 java.util.Iterator<Domain> DomainSet.iterator()
          Returns an iterator over the values of the DomainSet.

Methods in jgroup.relacs.config with parameters of type Domain
 void DomainListener.addDomain(Domain domain)
          This method is invoked when a new domain has been added to the core DomainSet.
 boolean DomainSet.addDomain(Domain domain)
          Add a new domain to this DomainSet.
 boolean HostSet.addHost(java.lang.String hostName, Domain domain, int port)
          Add a new host to this HostSet.
 boolean DomainSet.containsDomain(Domain domain)
          Check if the specified domain is in this DomainSet.
 Domain DomainSet.getDomain(Domain theDomain)
          Returns the Domain object stored in this domain set corresponding to the provided domain.
 void Domain.merge(Domain domain)
          Inject a merge on this domain so that it becomes reachable from the given domain.
 void Domain.partition(Domain domain)
          Inject a partition on this domain so that it becomes unreachable from the given domain.
 void DomainListener.removeDomain(Domain domain)
          This method is invoked when a domain has been removed from the core DomainSet.
 boolean DomainSet.removeDomain(Domain domain)
          Remove the specified domain from this DomainSet.

Method parameters in jgroup.relacs.config with type arguments of type Domain
 void DomainSet.setComparator(java.util.Comparator<Domain> comparator)

Constructors in jgroup.relacs.config with parameters of type Domain
Domain(Domain domain, boolean copyHosts)
          Constructs a domain from another domain object.
Host(java.lang.String hostName, Domain domain, int port)
          Construct a new Host object containing information about the domain, the host and the port number for an entry in the HostSet.

Constructor parameters in jgroup.relacs.config with type arguments of type Domain
DomainSet(java.util.Comparator<Domain> comparator)
          Constructs an empty DomainSet whose iteration order is defined by the given comparator.
DomainSet(DomainSet domains, java.util.Comparator<Domain> comparator)
          Constructs a new DomainSet containg the given domain set, whose iteration order is defined by the given comparator.

Uses of Domain in jgroup.util.log

Methods in jgroup.util.log that return types with arguments of type Domain
 java.util.Iterator<Domain> ConnectionPatternEvent.iterator()

Methods in jgroup.util.log with parameters of type Domain
 void ConnectionPatternEvent.addEvent(ConnectionPatternEvent.Type type, Domain fromDomain, Domain toDomain)

Constructors in jgroup.util.log with parameters of type Domain
DomainEvent(EventType type, java.lang.String description, Domain domain)

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