View Javadoc

1   /*
2    * Copyright (c) 1998-2004 The Jgroup Team.
3    *
4    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2 as
6    * published by the Free Software Foundation.
7    *
8    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11   * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
12   *
13   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
14   * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15   * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
16   *
17   */
19  package jgroup.arm;
21  import static jgroup.util.log.ViewEvent.Type.ARM;
23  import;
24  import java.util.Timer;
25  import java.util.TimerTask;
26  import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
27  import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
29  import jgroup.core.MemberId;
30  import jgroup.core.MemberTable;
31  import jgroup.core.View;
32  import jgroup.core.arm.RecoveryStrategy;
33  import jgroup.relacs.config.AppConfig;
34  import jgroup.relacs.config.Host;
35  import jgroup.relacs.config.HostSet;
36  import jgroup.util.log.Eventlogger;
37  import jgroup.util.log.ViewEvent;
39  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
41  /**
42   * @author Hein Meling
43   */
44  public class GroupData
45  {
47    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
48    // Logger
49    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
51    /** Obtain logger for this class */
52    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GroupData.class);
55    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
56    // Transient fields
57    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
59    /** The period to await a view install before initiating recovery actions */
60    private transient int awaitViewPeriod;
63    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
64    // Fields
65    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
67    /** The application associated with this group data object */
68    private final AppConfig app;
70    /** The currently known (including crashed) members of the application group */
71    private final MemberTable membertable = new MemberTable();
73    /** The current set of assigned hosts */
74    private HostSet assignedHosts = new HostSet();
76    /** The set of removed hosts (permanently) */
77    private final HostSet removedHosts = new HostSet();
79    /** The set of new hosts since the last view change */
80    private final HostSet newHosts = new HostSet();
82    /** The view monitor timer for this application */
83    private Timer viewMonitorTimer = null;
85    /** Field indicating if this RM replica is the leader or not */
86    private boolean iamLeader;
88    /** The most recent view installed by this RM replica */
89    private View view;
91    /** Lock to ensure exclusive access to the view monitor timer */
92    private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
95    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
96    // Constructor
97    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
99    public GroupData(AppConfig app, int awaitViewPeriod)
100   {
101 = app;
102     this.awaitViewPeriod = awaitViewPeriod;
103   }
106   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
107   // Methods
108   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
110   void addHosts(HostSet hosts)
111   {
112     if (assignedHosts.isEmpty()) {
113       this.assignedHosts = hosts;
114       newHosts.addHosts(hosts);
115     } else {
116       for (Host host : hosts) {
117         addHost(host);
118       }
119     }
120     if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
121       log.debug("assignedHosts: " + assignedHosts);
122       log.debug("     newHosts: " + newHosts);
123     }
124   }
126   void addHost(Host newHost)
127   {
128     if (log.isDebugEnabled())
129       log.debug("adding: " + newHost);
130     if (!removedHosts.containsHost(newHost)) {
131       assignedHosts.addHost(newHost);
132       newHosts.addHost(newHost);
133       ReplicaCount.updateHost(newHost);
134     }
135     if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
136       log.debug("assignedHosts: " + assignedHosts);
137       log.debug("     newHosts: " + newHosts);
138     }
139   }
141   void removeHost(Host host)
142   {
143     if (log.isDebugEnabled())
144       log.debug("removing: " + host);
145     removedHosts.addHost(host);
146     boolean removed = assignedHosts.removeHost(host);
147     if (removed) {
148       /*
149        * The above removeHost() did actually remove the host from
150        * the host set, and thus we must invoke the removeReplica().
151        */
152       ReplicaCount.removeReplica(host);
153     }
154     if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
155       log.debug("assignedHosts: " + assignedHosts);
156       log.debug(" removedHosts: " + removedHosts);
157     }
158   }
160   HostSet getAssignedHosts()
161   {
162     return assignedHosts;
163   }
165   void viewChangeEvent(View view)
166   {
167     /* Update the view for this application group. */
168     app.viewChange(view);
169     logStatus();
170     /*
171      * All RM replicas should log this ViewChangeEvent, since in
172      * some crash scenarios it would not be logged.  Offline analysis
173      * of the logs should detect the duplicate entries.
174      */
175     if (Eventlogger.ENABLED || log.isDebugEnabled()) {
176       ViewEvent viewEvent = new ViewEvent(ARM, view);
177       if (Eventlogger.ENABLED)
178         Eventlogger.logEventFlush(viewEvent);
179       if (log.isDebugEnabled())
180         log.debug(viewEvent.shortToString());
181     }
182     /* Reschedule the view monitor for this application */
183     scheduleViewMonitor();
184     if (iamLeader) {
185       System.out.println(view);
186     }
187   }
189   void viewChange(View view, boolean iamLeader)
190   {
191     this.view = view;
192     this.iamLeader = iamLeader;
193     if (log.isDebugEnabled())
194       log.debug("Updating group: " + app.getGroupId());
195     membertable.viewChange(view);
196     MemberId[] members = membertable.members();
197     for (int i=0; i < members.length; i++) {
198       switch (membertable.getStatus(members[i])) {
199       case MemberTable.NEWMEMBER:
200         /* This is a new member */
201         if (log.isDebugEnabled())
202           log.debug("New member " + members[i]);
203         membertable.put(members[i], new HostSet());
204         break;
205       case MemberTable.RECOVERING:
206         /* This member has crashed and then recovered */
207         if (log.isDebugEnabled())
208           log.debug("New incarnation " + members[i]);
209         membertable.put(members[i], new HostSet());
210         break;
211       case MemberTable.SURVIVED:
212         /* This member is survived from the previous view */
213         if (newHosts.isEmpty())
214           break;
215         if (log.isDebugEnabled())
216           log.debug("Inserting new hosts: " + newHosts);
217         HostSet hosts = (HostSet) membertable.get(members[i]);
218         if (log.isDebugEnabled())
219           log.debug("Before: " + members[i] + " = " + hosts);
220         hosts.addHosts(newHosts);
221         if (log.isDebugEnabled())
222           log.debug("After : " + members[i] + " = " + hosts);
223         break;
224       }
225     }
226     newHosts.removeAllHosts();
227   }
230   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
231   // Inner class and methods for state merge
232   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
234   public static class GroupMergeRecord
235     implements Serializable
236   {
238     private static final long serialVersionUID = 932291238562617927L;
240     /*
241      * Note that we need to transfer the <code>AppConfig</code> object as
242      * they are stored in the AppConfig static tables, and the serialized
243      * copy of these objects may contain a view (and other information)
244      * not known to the receiving replication manager.
245      */
246     private AppConfig app;
248     /*
249      * The set of hosts removed locally (to be removed)
250      */
251     private HostSet removedHosts;
253     /*
254      * The set of hosts added locally (to be added)
255      */
256     private HostSet hosts;
258     GroupMergeRecord(AppConfig app, HostSet removedHosts, HostSet hosts)
259     {
260 = app;
261       this.removedHosts = (HostSet) removedHosts.clone();
262       // no need to clone 'hosts' as it is already a clone from getState()
263       this.hosts = hosts;
264       if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
265         log.debug("getState: gid: " + getGroupId() +
266             ", toadd: " + hosts +
267             ", toremove: " + removedHosts);
268       }
269     }
271     public int getGroupId()
272     {
273       return app.getGroupId();
274     }
276   } // END GroupMergeRecord
278   GroupMergeRecord getMergeRecord(MemberId[] dests, MemberId me)
279   {
280     synchronized (this) {
281       return new GroupMergeRecord(app, removedHosts, getState(dests, me));
282     }
283   }
285   void putMergeRecord(GroupMergeRecord merge)
286   {
287     if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
288       logStatus();
289       log.debug("putState: gid: " + merge.getGroupId());
290       log.debug("toremove: " + merge.removedHosts);
291       log.debug("   toadd: " + merge.hosts);
292     }
293     putState(merge.removedHosts, merge.hosts);
294     logStatus();
295   }
297   private HostSet getState(MemberId[] dests, MemberId me)
298   {
299     HostSet hosts = ((HostSet) membertable.get(me));
300     hosts = (HostSet) hosts.clone();
301     if (log.isDebugEnabled())
302       log.debug("Starting slist: " + hosts);
303     for (int i = 0; i < dests.length; i++) {
304       if (dests[i].equals(me))
305         hosts.removeHosts((HostSet) membertable.get(dests[i]));
306     }
307     if (log.isDebugEnabled())
308       log.debug("Local removed: " + removedHosts);
309     hosts.removeHosts(removedHosts);
310     if (log.isDebugEnabled())
311       log.debug("Final: " + hosts);
312     return hosts;
313   }
315   synchronized private void putState(HostSet toremove, HostSet toadd)
316   {
317     toremove.removeHosts(removedHosts);
318     removedHosts.addHosts(toremove);
319     for (Host host : toremove) {
320       if (log.isDebugEnabled())
321         log.debug("Removing " + host + " from assigned host set");
322       boolean removed = assignedHosts.removeHost(host);
323       if (removed)
324         ReplicaCount.removeReplica(host);
325     }
327     for (Host host : toadd) {
328       if (!removedHosts.containsHost(host) && !assignedHosts.containsHost(host)) {
329         if (log.isDebugEnabled())
330           log.debug("Adding " + host + " to assigned host set");
331         assignedHosts.addHost(host);
332         // Add the new host to the set of new hosts
333         newHosts.addHost(host);
334         ReplicaCount.updateHost(host);
335       }
336     }
337   }
340   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
341   // Log method
342   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
344   public void logStatus()
345   {
346     if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
347       log.debug("GroupData: " + app);
348       log.debug("  assignedHosts=" + assignedHosts);
349       log.debug("  removedHosts =" + removedHosts);
350       log.debug("  newHosts     =" + newHosts);
351       log.debug("  ViewMonitor is " + (viewMonitorTimer != null ? "" : "not ") + "scheduled");
352     }
353   }
355   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
356   // Private ViewMonitor class and support methods
357   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
359   /**
360    * Cancel and nullify the view monitor, if a view monitor
361    * has been scheduled.
362    */
363   public void cancelViewMonitor()
364   {
365     lock.lock();
366     try {
367       if (viewMonitorTimer != null) {
368         viewMonitorTimer.cancel();
369         viewMonitorTimer = null;
370       }
371     } finally {
372       lock.unlock();
373     }
374   }
376   /**
377    * Reschedule this view monitor if recovery is still needed.
378    * Otherwise, the view monitor timer is canceled.
379    */
380   public void scheduleViewMonitor()
381   {
382     lock.lock();
383     try {
384       if (viewMonitorTimer != null) {
385         // cancel exiting timer for this application
386         viewMonitorTimer.cancel();
387       }
388       if (app.needsRecovery()) {
389         // reschedule and waiting for the next view
390         viewMonitorTimer = new Timer("ViewMonitor-" + app.getGroupId(), true);
391         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
392           log.debug("View monitor expires in " + awaitViewPeriod + "ms for " + app);
393         }
394         viewMonitorTimer.schedule(new ViewMonitor(), awaitViewPeriod);
395       } else {
396         // we reached the expected view size; nullify the timer field
397         viewMonitorTimer = null;
398         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
399           log.debug("View monitor removed for " + app);
400           logStatus();
401         }
402       }
403     } finally {
404       lock.unlock();
405     }
406   }
408   /**
409    * This timer task is run only when a viewChange does not follow a
410    * replica (re)assignment.  This is required to capture failures
411    * occuring immediately after creation, and no common view has been
412    * installed including the new member.  A view change from live
413    * members is otherwise required to trigger recovery in such failure
414    * scenarios.
415    */
416   private class ViewMonitor
417     extends TimerTask
418   {
420     /* (non-Javadoc)
421      * @see java.util.TimerTask#run()
422      */
423     public void run()
424     {
425       // Ensures that this is the last execution of the current timer.
426       // Note: it is safe to do this in the run() of the same timer execution,
427       // since it guarantees that it will be the last run.
428       cancelViewMonitor();
429       if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
430         log.debug("View monitor expired for " + app);
431       }
432       if (!iamLeader) {
433         if (log.isDebugEnabled())
434           log.debug("I am not the leader RM replica; rescheduling view monitor");
435         scheduleViewMonitor();
436         return;
437       } else if (view.size() == 1) {
438         MemberId myId = view.getLeader();
439         if (membertable.getStatus(myId) == MemberTable.NEWMEMBER) {
440           if (log.isDebugEnabled())
441   "I am a single new member; rescheduling view monitor");
442           scheduleViewMonitor();
443           return;
444         }
445       }
446       // get the recovery strategy to use for the application in question
447       RecoveryStrategy rs = app.getRecoveryStrategy();
448       boolean recovered = rs.handleFailure(assignedHosts);
449       if (recovered) {
450         if (log.isDebugEnabled())
451           log.debug("Successful recovery for " + app);
452         scheduleViewMonitor();
453       } else {
454         if (log.isDebugEnabled())
455           log.warn("Unsuccessful recovery for " + app);
456       }
457     }
459   } // END ViewMonitor
461 } // END GroupData